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The season ticket for you in Stockholm-Mälardalen

With Movingo, you can easily commute by regional train and local transport throughout the Stockholm-Mälardalen.

  • Students and young people have a discounted price

  • Surrounding local transport, such as bus, metro and commuter train, is always included in the ticket.

  • Choose 30 days, 90 days or 365 days

  • Five 24-hour tickets to use within 30 days with Movingo 5/30 (not valid on SJ)


Logotyper för kollektivtrafikföretagen inom Movingo

Movingo is a part of Mälardalstrafik, which is jointly own by the regions Stockholm, Sörmland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro län and Östergötland.

Movingo explained in 2 minutes

What´s Movingo and how does it work? Watch the film below and find out.

Customize Movingo to your needs

Select routes and regions which suit your travel habits, or select all routes for unlimited travel throughout the Stockholm-Mälardalen.

Movingo 5/30!

If you only travel occasionally and don't need SJ's Movingo departures, choose the Movingo 5/30 ticket. With 5/30, you can travel unlimited for 24 hours on five of your chosen days within a 30-day period.

Click here to learn more about the ticket.

Movingo app

With our app, you can purchase and use your ticket. You can also lend out your Movingo 30-day, 90-day, or annual ticket through the app. Movingo 5/30 cannot be lent out. In the app, you can also view your purchase history, receipts, and relevant traffic information.

You can also purchase your Movingo ticket online. The ticket is saved in your pages and is then available in the app for use.

Movingo tickets are also valid to all public transport in Mälardalen which is operated by:

  Länstrafiken Örebro

Linjekarta Movingo periodbiljett

Click here for larger image with descriptions.

mälartåg logga Mälartåg's five lines

Mörkblå linje Norrköping-Nyköping-Stockholm 

Ljusblå linje Linköping-Katrineholm-Eskilstuna-Sala-Uppsala

Rosa linje Uppsala-Tierp-Gävle

Röd linje Örebro-Eskilstuna-Stockholm-Uppsala 

Mörkröd linje Hallsberg-Katrineholm-Stockholm

Additional depatures

extra avgångar Stockholm-Märsta-Knivsta-Uppsala

3-4 departures in each direction on weekdays and during rush hour.

SJ Logotyp SJ

SJ regionaltåg linje Stockholm-Märsta/Arlanda- Uppsala
SJ regionaltåg linje Stockholm-Uppsala (not SJ InterCity) 
SJ regionaltåg linje Laxå-Örebro-Västerås-Stockholm 
streckad grön linje för SJ intercity Linköping-Stockholm-Tierp (SJ InterCity with the ticket "Movingo All Routes"*)  

*Only applies to trains with final destination Linköping, Gävle, Sandviken or Ljudal.  

Tåg i Bergslagen logotyp Tåg i Bergslagen

tåg i bergslagen linje Valid with Movingo regional validity and with Movingo All Routes.

 tåg i bergslagen Trosabussen

trosabussen linje Ticket with validity Vagnhärad - Stockholm.Movingo EN 2024 Header


Download the Movingo app

To use your ticket, you must download the Movingo app from App Store or Google Play

Find the right Movingo for you

Find the right Movingo for you

Travel smart with the app

Travel smart with the app

Exceptions and Restrictions for Movingo

Exceptions and Restrictions for Movingo