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Changed departure times from Eskilstuna C to Stockholm

Starting from June 16, trains from Eskilstuna towards Stockholm will depart one minute earlier than usual. This change is an effort to maintain the schedule more effectively, due to a speed restriction on a part of the route between Eskilstuna and Strängnäs.

From June 16, trains from Eskilstuna towards Stockholm will depart one minute earlier than usual. This change aims to better adhere to the schedule due to a speed restriction on part of the route between Eskilstuna and Strängnäs.

The reason for this is that the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) has installed a new switch in Härad as a first step, which will be fully connected in the fall of 2024.

Departure times from Strängnäs, Nykvarn, Södertälje, and Flemingsberg towards Stockholm remain unchanged. Similarly, departure times from Stockholm to Eskilstuna are unchanged.

If you travel from Eskilstuna to Stockholm, you can easily find the new departure times when you search and book your trip. For example, if trains have usually departed at xx.04, they will now depart at xx.03. A few trains will retain their current departure time. You can find the new departure times in the Mälartåg app and on mälartå

We hope that the adjusted departure times will contribute to a smoother journey for you and all other passengers on the Örebro-Eskilstuna-Stockholm-Uppsala line during this period. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to improve punctuality.

Can one minute really make a difference?

The adjusted departure times are intended to provide an extra time margin in addition to what is already incorporated into the schedule, hopefully reducing delays. Even a small delay due to the speed restriction can easily grow when the train needs to wait for other trains, especially since some parts of the route are single-track.

What kind of switch is it?

The background to the speed restriction is that a new switch was installed by the Swedish Transport Administration last year, but the final connection is planned for October 2024. Only then can the speed on the stretch at Härad increase from 40 km/h and return to the usual speed of 200 km/h.

How long is the section where the speed is reduced?

400 meters, shortened from 700 meters in February.

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