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Improved traffic information in the Mälartåg app and website

Now you can quickly and easily see the latest traffic information on our website and in the app when searching for your journey. In the app, you can also see current traffic information on your ticket and receive notifications about traffic disruptions related to your journey.

In addition to track information and the scheduled departure and arrival times, you can see real-time information about track changes, adjusted departure and arrival times, reasons for delays, as well as information about canceled trains and replacement buses.

Receive notifications about traffic disruptions for your booked journey

In the Mälartåg app, you can enable push notifications to receive alerts about traffic disruptions that may affect your journey. Updates will then be sent automatically to your phone, but we recommend that you check the traffic information on your ticket and at the station to ensure you don’t miss any important information.

Where the traffic information comes from

All traffic information in the Mälartåg app is automatically retrieved from the Swedish Transport Administration’s database and is always preliminary, which means that departure and arrival times may be moved forward or delayed further. The Mälartåg app always shows the same information as, for example, the station departure boards.

On the homepage of mälartå, disruption information is communicated in the same way as before, in the Traffic Status section and, if necessary, as an attention news item.

Frequently Asked Questions about traffic information in the Mälartåg app

It just says that the train is replaced by a bus, but how do I know where the bus departs from?

If it states which stop the bus departs from, you can usually find this on a station map at the respective station. You can also get directions with a map to all replacement service stops from Mälartåg stations via this link.

Do I no longer need to visit your website for traffic information about my line?

The more detailed traffic information about certain disruptions in the Traffic Status section on mälartå is managed by our traffic company's operations management and will initially not be visible in the Mälartåg app. However, in the fall, the same information will also be visible in the app for the affected departure. On the website, you will also find information about upcoming planned track work.